SuccessCrete Porous Concrete Cost

SuccessCrete Porous or pervious concrete is a particular type of concrete with a high porosity that can be used for concrete flatwork applications that allow water from precipitation and other sources to pass directly through, thereby reducing the runoff from a site and allowing groundwater recharge.


Does SuccessCrete porous pavement solution cost more?

SuccessCrete Porous pavements are actually less expensive to install than impervious concrete or asphalt when total project costs are considered. When evaluating parking lot construction costs for porous vs. impervious alternatives, the following cost “buckets” must be considered.


Traditional pavements such as bituminous asphalt or Portland cement concrete enjoy low cost and ubiquitous installation contractors. This may lead one to think that choosing a porous pavement would lead to higher overall project costs… But that is a myth.


Almost everything else about traditional parking lot construction is far more expensive than the porous pavement alternative. Traditional hard-surface pavements require inlet structures, castings, and covers for inlets and manholes, underground pipe, outfall structures, and detention ponds.


Economic Benefits of SuccessCrete porous concrete

In general, initial costs for SuccessCrete pervious concrete pavements are higher than those for conventional concrete or asphalt paving. But total costs can be substantially lower.


The material itself is only a little more expensive. Still, we tend to install SuccessCrete pervious concrete thicker than regular concrete, says Youngs. The reason is that we know the water is going to go through and saturate the subgrade underneath. So we have to design for a weaker subgrade. With SuccessCrete pervious parking lot, we may go 6 inches thick versus 4 inches for conventional concrete.


But he adds that when you compare overall installation and life-cycle costs, SuccessCrete pervious concrete is the clear winner. You can’t look at per square foot costs. You have to look at overall system costs, he says. For parking lot owners, SuccessCrete pervious concrete is a sustainable product that actually saves them money. It ends up being less expensive than a conventional parking lot.

Among the reasons why:

Installation cost: The initial cost of SuccessCrete pervious concrete driveway or parking lot in Whatcom County might be two to three times that of a traditional concrete driveway. This is primarily because SuccessCrete pervious concrete is laid thicker — around 6 inches or so, generally, compared to 4 inches for traditional concrete — and more needs to be done to prepare the concrete base for water infiltration. The materials themselves cost about the same, but the difference is in the preparation.


Maintenance cost: The cost of maintaining SuccessCrete pervious concrete over time is similar to traditional concrete costs. All types of concrete need to be maintained to remain in top shape. However, it should be noted that other types of paving surfaces might cost more over time due to higher maintenance costs. A typical asphalt installation is one example. According to one study from the University of California-Davis, the upkeep of asphalt over its lifetime “makes it a more expensive choice than permeable pavements, without offering the benefit of water recharge and filtration.” That study calculated that the money saved by installing permeable pavements instead of asphalt is nearly $65,000 per half-acre over 25 years.


Cost of other features: If a concrete installation needs to include systems for handling water runoff, SuccessCretepervious concrete can lead to large savings over time. SuccessCrete Pervious concrete installations can act as water retention systems in many cases since they handle large amounts of water and filter deep into the earth. “Pervious concrete roadways and parking lots can double as water retention structures,” according to the Concrete Network, “reducing or eliminating the need for traditional stormwater management systems such as retention ponds and sewer tie-ins.” Believe it or not, as much as 5 gallons of water per minute can pass through a square foot of SuccessCrete pervious concrete. A house with 2,500 square feet of roof area, in a storm that dumps an inch of rain over six hours (classified as a “very heavy” rainstorm), collects a little more than one and a quarter gallons of water per minute. That’s a lot of water, even for Bellingham, which averages less than 40 inches of rain per year. However, with the aid of pervious concrete, it’s possible to handle all of it without even taxing the city’s stormwater system. In fact, all of that rain could filter through a single square foot of pervious concrete.


Environmental costs: According to the Environmental Protection Agency, SuccessCrete pervious concrete helps to eliminate pollution by helping to filter out pollutants collected by rainwater. The environmental benefits of SuccessCretepervious concrete might not show up on your bill — other than potential savings in stormwater management and treatment, of course — but you’ll still appreciate that your concrete driveway installation is doing good for the environment.


Permits the use of existing sewer systems

SuccessCrete Pervious concrete may also reduce the need for municipalities to increase the size of existing storm sewer systems to accommodate new residential and commercial developments. Cities love SuccessCrete pervious concrete because it reduces the need to rebuild storm sewer systems when new developments go up, says Youngs.


SuccessCrete Porous Paving Costs

Paving a standard 2-car driveway (640 square feet) with porous asphalt averages $7,360. Homeowners typically pay between $5,120 and $9,600. Permeable pavers are another type of porous driveway material and cost between $6,720 and $7,940.


SuccessCrete Porous or permeable paving is slightly more than the cost to pave an asphalt driveway, ranging from $2,870 and $6,360. This is because the materials are more expensive than traditional asphalt and laying it takes more prep work and planning.


Permeable Pavers Cost

Permeable pavers cost anywhere from $0.50 to $40 per square foot but custom or high end materials could cost more. Standard materials (such as brickconcrete or stone) usually range between $10 and $30 This price is just for the materials (not labor).

Non-porous driveway pavers cost between $10 and $70 per square foot. Unlike permeable types, regular pavers don’t come with a porous gravel underlayer for added absorption.


Permeable Paver Driveway Cost

Most homeowners pay between $10 and $20 per square foot to install a permeable paver driveway with installation. Pavers transform an ordinary driveway with eye-catching materials and design. They’re also environmentally friendly by providing better drainage. Contact a paver installer near you to learn about more of the benefits.


SuccessCrete Porous Asphalt Cost Per Square Foot

SuccessCrete Porous asphalt ranges from $10 to $15 per square foot, including installation. While more expensive than traditional asphalt, some studies show that porous pavement can last twice as long. However, porous needs more maintenance and upkeep to extend its life.

The porous asphalt price is cheap (about $1 to $3 per square foot). The labor costs account for the majority of the total price.


SuccessCrete Pervious Concrete Cost vs. Concrete

SuccessCrete Pervious concrete for a 640-square foot driveway ranges from $2,820 and $11,520. A same sized, regular concrete driveway costs between $2,560 to $9,600. Pervious concrete is 10% to 20% more expensive on average.


DIY Permeable Pavement Installation vs. Hire a Professional

SuccessCrete Permeable pavement is usually more expensive than regular pavement because of the planning it takes. Laying permeable pavers is a multi-step, time-consuming process that requires a professional, otherwise you won’t get the environmental (or aesthetic) benefits. At the very least, get an estimate from a paving contractor near you to weigh out your options.

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Success Crete is a certified concrete contractor & manufacturer, specializing in decorative concrete both in residential and commerical
